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This project has begun in Detroit at the Detroit Institute of Art, then at the Metropolitan Museum of art in New York and it will continue in France.
We are artists. We visit museums. We revisit the classic paintings by photographing ourselvesin front of them, as a way of being in the present while making the link with the Art of the past.
The idea is to become integrated into the paintings without retouching colors and lights imposed by the places. The game consists in keeping our contemporary clothes within the framework of the past. No nose powdering, corset or wig wearing.
At first, we visited the Detroit Institute Museum of Art when the museum was threatened to sell works of art to pay off the debt of the city which declared itself bankrupt on July 18th, 2013.
The works were saved after a vote for a surtax by the inhabitants of detroit three countrie.
We visit serenely the museum. « Don't be so close to the paintings. Welcome to the DIA Â» say the museum attendants.
We like looking at the classic works but we need more than simply saying hello to them and contemplating them. We want to visit them, to revisit them and to converse with them. It all depends on the light, on our hair, the color of our skin and theirs.
We pose, we try to find our place in the paintings, not too near, not too far, not taking too much space but just enough to maintain a new balance of the composition.
We play. We play with the characters, we play with the photograph spectators.
The photographs will be in large formats in golden frame.
Camille and Sidonie

© 2013 by les trois exploratrices​​

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